
Monday 27 September 2010

Videos that wrecked me for good and moved me to action #1

Over the next few months I am going to post some of the videos that have absolutely wrecked me for good after watching them. Videos that shifted something inside of me. There is no doubt about it, there are some major injustices in the world. It can seem overwhelming, but the fact is if we work together great things can happen. These experiences and videos are all a part of why my wife and I decided to go into social business. Coming up with a crazy idea that by offering vacation rentals that build homes for the poor we could build a sustainable business that has a lasting impact.
         I can imagine many thousands of other social businesses rising up creating a new capitalism that brings homes to the homeless, clothes to the naked, food to the hungry. Entrepreneurs are by definition problem solvers. It is a fact that the worlds biggest problem is injustice. I am believing for a generation of social entrepreneurs to rise up and solve these problems!
This first video is a clip of a documentary that I watched a few years ago about the devastation in Uganda called Invisible Children. There are children that have been abducted and forced into being in a militia that goes around killing thousands of innocent people. The clip you are seeing is of children commuting into the city center every night to sleep because they are afraid that if they stay in their homes for fear of being taken in the middle of the night by the rebel army. 
I know it is not fun or exciting viewing. But I hope you let it wreck you for good and move you to action. I believe someone watching this to burst forth with innovative and creative sustainable ideas. Though I highly beleive in creating social businesses giving to charity is also something very important. The organization who created this is doing excellent work in Uganda. Check out what they are doing- You can also go to You Tube and watch the full documentary. They have it broken up into 6 or 7 parts, just type in - Invisible Children Pt 1.
If this moves you spread the word. Change starts in our lives and gives us a BIG WHY to doing what we do. Spread this video and blog to more people so they may get inspired, creative, and passionate!

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